Our Sustainability Journey

 When Gabriel David took on the reins of the Luscombe business back in 1997, he was focussed on producing the very best tasting organic soft drinks, made with as little impact on the planet as was possible. He wanted to create organic drinks that were produced in partnership with farmers and growers who were paid a fair price for the high quality produce they grew. It's these principles that continue to underpin Luscombe today.

We were the first drinks brand to gain organic accreditation in the UK by the Soil Association and in 2021, we were awarded a Royal Warrant for the high quality and environmentally sustainable product that we produce. 

Moving forwards, we are continuing our work to reduce the impact that we have on the planet and you can click on the links below to find out the details of where we are on this journey.

Reducing Energy

In 2022 we are aiming to reduce pasteurisation temp & time with a 45% reduction target. This will in turn reduce the burning of fossil fuels by 30%.

We have installed solar panels to provide a proportion of our electricity and we are also reviewing & reducing fuel consumption on key equipment.